Devotional Week 2 by Bekah L.
Last week I decided to do some weeding. I was weeding a particular piece of our yard that had obviously not been weeded in a long time. How could I tell? Because there were huge chunks of dead, brown leaves on several different bushes. As I was weeding, I noticed that the dead pieces came out really easily, because they were no longer connected to deep roots. I also noticed that the dead branches were taking up a lot of space and over-crowding the less visible green, living branches. I think this is a good analogy for our growth as believers. Sometimes, the dead parts of our lives are the most noticeable by ourselves and others, and we can be discouraged that growth isn’t happening. But these dead parts also come out really easily when they are confronted with the Truth of God and His Word, because they have no roots. The growth that leads to life and fruit in our spiritual walk might take more time and work to produce, but once it comes it isn’t as easily pulled out because it has deep roots in the imperishable truth of God and His Word. We need to clear out the parts of our lives that aren’t bearing fruit to make more room for our life in Christ to grow.
As I continued weeding and these passages came to mind, I was reminded of a few more truths about growth: Spiritual growth takes time and intentionality; it doesn’t happen on auto-pilot or cruise control. We have to be planted in the right soil and constantly being nourished with the right nutrients.
Scripture: Psalm 1, John 15
What does God do as a gardener in John 15?
Which branches in your life are not bearing fruit? Which ones are?
What characteristics are used for the blessed man in Psalm 1?
How can we relate these characteristics to our own spiritual growth?
Are you planted in the right soil? Are you filling your life with truth from His Word?
Prayerful Action
Pray boldly that God would show you which areas of your life are bearing fruit and which aren’t. These can be outward, visible things like the activities you’re involved in or more internal things like your character and sin that others can’t see as easily. Then ask Him to help you pull those things out of your heart and fill those empty spaces with His truth and His Spirit. Ask Him to give you patience for your own growth and thank Him that He is patient with you.
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