Devotional Week 3 by Tracy D.
“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”
– Proverbs 16:9 (NIV)
It’s been said that life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. Enter the coronavirus, life’s latest ‘happening’ that has radically changed all our plans. One casualty was mk2mk’s annual summer mission trip. You may have felt that loss personally as one who was planning to be a part of it. Or maybe you had different plans for the summer. You grieve what might have been and grapple with confusion, or outright fear, about the future. Naming and expressing those emotions is an important part of coming to terms with your experience.
But don’t stop there. In the Bible God’s people are honest in their expression of grief, doubt, fear, sorrow. But those expressions are always illuminated by words that turn us to the Lord – to his comfort, his assurance, his presence, his encouragement. Christ, the light of the world, helps us see our losses in right perspective.
Solomon’s words in Proverbs 16:9 caution us to hold our plans loosely, because they often do not unfold according to our expectations. God guides our steps, and he has the right to change our plans. This comforts me, because it reminds me that the Lord is not surprised by an out-of-control microbe. In fact, it’s actually part of his plan. When your plans are canceled, you might think that all your preparation was for nothing, and that your time and thought and prayer about it were a waste. Not so! Even though things did not turn out as planned, God is faithful to use it all for your sanctification according to his wise plan. Whatever alternative God has for you this summer is not Plan B. He has something better for you that your plans could not accomplish.
Having our paths redirected can be confusing (see Proverbs 20:24). But what an opportunity to really walk by faith! God asks us to trust him. He doesn’t ask us to trust that things will work out according to our desires, but to trust him – moment by moment, day by day, month by month, year by year. That’s why it’s called a walk of faith (2 Cor. 5:7). Our current situation gives us the opportunity to do just that, to walk with a known God into an unknown future. He is very much on his throne and in control. So with this change I want to look for ways the Lord is bringing my steps in line with his plan.
What are some things you’ve lost (experiences, opportunities, community, freedom, etc.) as a result of COVID-19?
Does Proverbs 16:9 give you more comfort or frustration? Why?
If you were writing a psalm to express yourself, what are some of the things you’d tell God?
What are your concerns for the next few months? What do you need most from the Lord?
What are some good things that have come about as a result of the changes due to COVID-19 (e.g., time with the Lord, time with family, renewed focus, rest, etc.)?
How might the Lord be working in your own heart?
What does walking by faith look like for you right now?
Prayerful Action
Read 1 Peter 5:6-7. Ask God to give you comfort in the loss and change, and faith that he will do something far greater than you ever imagined.
Ask him to help you talk with someone about how you’re feeling, and the things you expressed in the questions above.