Before you read though the passage, think of some reasons there is disunity in the world.
Observation of Biblical Truth: Christians are called to live in unity within the Body of Christ – to be humble, gentle, patient, and bear with each other in love. Ephesians 4 tells us both ‘why’ and ‘how’.
Read: Eph. 4:1-16. What reasons has God given us to live in unity?
How is Jesus the source of our unity?
God unites us as one through our shared faith in Christ. How is unity in Christ greater than the disunity in the world?
How can our unity be a light to the world?
Read through the rest of the chapter. How does God call us to live a life in unity with other believers?
What is challenging to you about the way God calls us to live?
Prayerful Action: Where do you see disunity in your life or around you? Pray for God to restore unity. Pray that this unity would be a witness to Jesus as the one who unites through adoption into His Kingdom. Ask God how you can help create unity in your community.