Scripture to Read: Luke 9:23-27
Observation of Biblical Truth: Sometimes we set limits on God’s plan for our lives. But if we truly follow God we shouldn’t hold any part of ourselves back. God wants all of you.
Read through the passage. Take a moment to write down all the things that you think you might have to give up as you follow Jesus. Which of these losses feels hardest or saddest to you?
Now take a moment to consider what Jesus gave up for you. Read Hebrews 12:1-2. In verse 2, what helped Jesus endure the cross? What was the source of his joy?
How could this be a comfort to you when you have to sacrifice to follow Him?
What have you had to give up as you and your family serve God?
How has God been with you and your family during hard times of sacrifice?
Prayerful Action: Pray that God would increase your love for Him, and soften your heart towards giving up your desires and possessions for His sake. If you have anything you haven’t been giving to the Lord, do so now in prayer.