South Africa 2023: Lora Toncheva

What would you want to tell someone thinking about joining the mk2mk internship?

Internship is not something to take lightly. Really pray about it and ask God to guide you to see if this is the right decision at the time. You can't enter it thinking you can do it on your own. It is a packed-full summer with a lot of fun, leadership, and the ability to impact other mks who might have gone through similar struggles. It also provides a space for personal growth. Prepare to be challenged in many ways. Be ready to give it your all commitment and energy; you won't regret it!

What was your favorite part of the mk2mk internship?

Mk2Mk has a community like no other; it is a caring environment where you can grow alongside others. Meeting new people and getting to lead/serve with them is such a beautiful experience. You feel at home and are one family, leaving you with impactful conversations and relationships.

What was most the most significant part of the mk2mk internship for you?

Internship provided a space and time to reflect on my story and allowed me to learn so much about God's loving character. It really showed me what it truly meant to let God in and let him take control of EVERY part of my life.