South Africa 2023: Libby Brechner — MK2MK

South Africa 2023: Libby Brechner

What was your favorite part of the mk2mk internship?

Being a part of an intentional community that truly cared, loved, and supported me.

What was most the most significant part of the mk2mk internship for you?

My small group! I was able to co-lead a group of 5 girls, and I loved all of it. I saw the Lord use me and my story so clearly in ways that I had never seen before. I felt so honored to be able to serve my girls and be a part of their story. I also had an amazing co-leader, and I couldn't have done it without her. It was truly a joy to be a part of.

What would you want to tell someone thinking about joining the mk2mk internship?

Pray about it! Whether you really think you don't want to or maybe you're super set on doing it, still ask God to make it clear and to lead you where he wants you. If you feel God calling you to go keep praying! Pray for the community you'll have and the students you'll be leading.
