Transformed to Share Jesus

We talk about building God’s Kingdom, and using our gifts to bring Him glory. There is much work for us to do here on earth, yet a lot of the work we need to do is internal. It takes opening up and letting God work within us first. 

The conclusion to Luke’s account on Jesus’ life & ministry shows us that it takes transformation to see Jesus’ Kingdom. It’s important to focus on how we are being transformed to be able to see, build and share His Kingdom.

The Road to Emmaus illustrates for us how sometimes it’s hard for us to see Jesus for who He really is. As you read through this passage, put yourself in the shoes of these disciples, and how you might be like them.

Read: Luke 24:13-35
(Watch this Bible Project video for a clear illustration/summary of this story)

The story highlights four parts in which Jesus will transform us, if we are open to it. 

  1. Jesus seeks us. Although the disciples knew about who Jesus was, they didn’t recognize Him. What’s the difference between knowing about Jesus and simply knowing Him?
    How can you be more about knowing Him vs. about Him?

  2. Jesus opens our eyes. Scripture speaks truth about Jesus. What are some truths from scripture about who Jesus is? How can you let Jesus open your eyes to scripture?

  3. Jesus reveals Himself. Why do you think Jesus immediately disappeared once the disciples recognized Him?
    How does Jesus reveal Himself to you? (some people see Jesus through nature, the word, relationships, etc.)

  4. Jesus moves us to share. When Jesus opens our eyes, we should be filled with the desire to share it with others.
    How is Jesus moving you to share Him with others?

The Lord invites us to be a part of His Kingdom building here on earth. We have a role and purpose here, and that is important, but let’s not lose focus on what matters first — Jesus. How is Jesus seeking you? How is He opening your eyes, revealing Himself? And in response to these questions, we will be able to see how He wants us to be a part of His Kingdom building.

Then we can ask this question: what are ways that you can be a part of His ministry where you are now?