Scripture to Read: Ephesians 2:11-22
Observation of Biblical Truth: Jesus’ death on the cross removed not only the barrier between God and man, but also those that separate people. Everyone, regardless of nationality, race, social class, or current spiritual state, is invited into God’s family.
Discussion Questions:
What do we learn about God/Christ in this passage? List all the attributes and actions of Christ you see.
In verses 11-12, how does Paul describe the Gentiles? Imagine what that would be like. Can you relate to any of these descriptions? How so?
How are the Gentiles described after vs. 13? What would it look like if you live your life with this belief (that you “have access to the Father, are fellow citizens in the Kingdom of God, and members of his household”)?
Prayerful Action: Are there individuals or groups of people who you believe are “too far gone”? Is there anyone in your life who you judge because of their sins? Take some time to thank God for sending His Son to die on the cross, and open the door for all to be a part of His family. Then pray for some non-believers you know. Think of a few people you want to share your faith with. Ask God to give you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with them, and boldness to share when those opportunities arise.